Quality of life, identity and wellbeing
In Sweden, as in many other countries, the Right of Access (the freedom to roam) is the principle, protected by the law – that gives all people the right to roam free in nature. Being able to enjoy freely the beautiful nature is an important factor in physical and mental well-being for us, humans.
The Right of Access was the central theme of seminar 2 around which the exercises and activities of the seminar were focusing.
Due to the pandemic it still wasn't possible for all the students to get together, so a 'Teams' video link between the venue and students in Finland and Norway was established.The topic of The Right to Access was discussed in further detail and shared with the students in Finland and Norway via the video link.
What do you do to feel good? When do you feel good? What makes you feel bad?
The participants agreed upon the idea that many enjoyable things in life that add to one's mental and physical well-being come for free: those being among others positive human relationships, nature, and to quote Peyman Vahedi – the attitude to "Never-ever give up!".
Swedish Padlet Wall of Words created during the seminar
The Right to Roam
As part of the second seminar the whole group enjoyed their right to roam along the beautiful Swedish High Coast
PRESENTATION: The right to roam Swedish Danish Norwegian
EXERCISE: The right to roam Swedish Danish
Inspiring Stories
Storytelling, a dialogue- based learning exercise in class. Students can realize that they have more in common than they think, listening and sharing stories and experiences with others having faced similar challenges re-settling in a new country.
LEVEL: all levels
LANGUAGE USE: Listening, Speaking, Reading
LANGUAGE SKILL: Prepare presentations, evaluate their own and other students´ communication and presentation skills.
Who am I? A video project
My Place: A Writing exercise
Using a mobile phone or other suitable device students make a video (maximum length 3 minutes) discussing their identity, i.e. Who are they? What kind of person are they? What is important to them?
Lesson Plan and in Finnish
Level: A2.2 - B1.2
Language Use: Speaking, Writing, Listening
Language Skill: Vocabulary expansion, fluency in speaking and practising conversational skills
Reflecting on one's own identity through familar places to then create a written text to be presented to the class.
Lesson Plan and in Finnish
Level: A2.2 - B1.2
Language Use: Reading, Writing, Speaking
Language Skills: writing skills, expressing opinions and learning
sentence structure.
Identity / Well Being Collage
What do we need to have 'quality of life' in our new home countries? Where would students take their guests - what places would they show them?
LANGUAGE SKILLS: Reading, Writing, Speaking
LANGUAGE USE: Vocabulary of values, Presentation skills