Teaching material
Materials and ideas for teachers tackling the issue of identity with migrant students as well as young adults
Here you can find links to our material.
All our lessons are in English, most are also in one of our home languages.
There are brief lesson plans for most of our materials. We have also given our indication of the language level (CEFR), language skills and usage that will be requiered for the lesson. Wherever possible, we have included examples of final works that our students have created.
These materials are also free for you to develop further for your own needs.
These are categorised into the four areas of our interest.
During the first two seminars of the 'My Nordic Identity' project, we used the app Padlet which is an online multi-user canvas that you can use with your students to share information, answers, opinions, papers, etc..
We used it for sharing words about a specific subject across the languages used in the various partner schools, e.g. words you use to describe your favourite place in your neighbourhood. It feels like magic when the words grow in front of your eyes, and the students commented on similarities between for instance Swedish and Danish.
Danish Seminar Wall of Words Swedish Seminar Wall of Words
For an introduction, examples, and ideas for using Padlet in your classroom, have a look here We Are Teachers